The types of diets are so different that many wonder who is following them. There are actually several classifications: medical, corrective, according to the way food is cooked, according to the choice of diet - and the list does not end there. The common thing everywhere is that a person needs to change his diet in a certain way in order to achieve a goal.
The choice of a specific diet depends on the tasks set. However, it is very difficult to dwell on one and not be mistaken. In the overwhelming majority of cases, you cannot do without expert advice. On the other hand, information about which diets are intended for what will not be superfluous either.
2 main types of diets
Now it is difficult to say with complete certainty who, when and how invented the diet. Perhaps the pioneer here can be considered William Bunting, a successful businessman (engaged in the production of coffins) who lived in England in the 19th century. Too much weight was his biggest problem. Bunting tried to lose weight in one way or another, but each time he failed. And yet, together with his doctor, he managed to find a diet that saved the situation. Banting later wrote a book about just that.
Many then did not agree with the theory put forward by him, but its practical application has demonstrated very convincing results. The idea became the basis for the now widely known low-carb diets. What did Bunting do? Removed carbohydrate-rich foods (sugar, potatoes, flour products) from the menu, and included more meat, vegetables, added white wine. By the way, in England, "sitting" on a low-carb diet is called "bunting". This is a kind of tribute to the person who stood, as they say, at the origins. What types of diets are there today? There are two main ones:
Therapeutic diets.
Prescribed by a doctor for people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, with gastritis and ulcers. Such diets have a healing effect and promote weight loss, therefore they are useful as preventive measures, or when the disease from an acute form flows into a weaker one.

When compiling a diet in hospitals or sanatoriums, a special numbering is used to indicate the types of diets, namely, treatment tables No. 1-15. Dishes can be combined from different tables if a person has several diseases at once. At the same time, contraindicated products are excluded from the menu.
The selection of dishes for treatment tables is based on gentle nutrition. Depending on the cooking methods, it can be as follows:
- Mechanical. The food is mainly steamed and thoroughly chopped beforehand.
- Thermal. Heat treatment of products is carried out in a special mode. Do not eat too hot or cold.
- Chemical. Heat treatment in the cooking process is as simple as possible. Contraindicated products (depending on the patient's diagnosis) are excluded from the menu altogether.
Of course, it is more difficult to prepare food at home, following all the principles of such a diet, but nothing is impossible in this. Just remember that the type of diet should be prescribed by a doctor who will accurately indicate the foods and dishes that are suitable and undesirable for you.
Correctional diets.
These are diets for people who are overweight, or for those who need to build muscle. Along with doctors, sports trainers also help to solve such problems, who will always tell you what kind of diet you should adhere to. Nowadays, many people use corrective diets to lose weight.

There are many types of diets for weight loss, and more than one encyclopedia has been written on this topic, but more on that later.
In addition, there are other types of diets that differ, for example, in terms of timing. Fast ones are designed literally for five days, and long ones take at least three weeks or more.
There are diets, the essence of which is to limit the usual diet. It:
- Diets in which the menu remains the same, and only the amount of food consumed is reduced.
- Low-calorie diets, in which foods with a high calorie content are prohibited.
- The so-called fractional meals, when a special regimen is scheduled with precise time intervals between meals.
- Diets in which the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is accurately calculated (according to a special scheme).
The essence of medical diets
Many diseases are exacerbated precisely because of poor nutrition. For example, if a patient with diabetes mellitus breaks the diet, his blood sugar level rises rapidly above normal, he is constantly thirsty, his mouth feels dry, and fats accumulate in the cells of the liver and pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis makes itself felt with excessive consumption of fried, fatty (for example, pancakes, sour cream), as well as alcohol. With hypertension, you cannot eat a lot of salty, otherwise the pressure will rise above normal, and even treatment will not correct the situation.
It was already mentioned above that the types of diets in medicine (in hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries and other institutions of this type) differ in numbers. In addition to numbers from 1 to 15, there are also variations, such as N 1a, 16, N 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d.
Even if the patient's exacerbation has passed, it is not recommended to go far from the principles of the type of dietary table assigned to him. Still, you cannot eat prohibited foods, but it is allowed, for example, to use something from home canning or use different processing methods. That is, stew or, after boiling, bake.
And in order to get the daily norm of vitamins, you can additionally drink rosehip broth, eat wheat bran, or buy it at a pharmacy and take vitamin complexes.
Whatever type of diet we are talking about, alcohol is prohibited in any case. There are rare exceptions, but you still can't do without consulting your doctor.

The list of products that can be consumed:
- Eat about 300 g of bread and other flour products per day. Bread should be rye, protein-bran, protein-wheat. If purely wheat, then from second grade flour.
- Weak broths from meat (low-fat varieties), fish, mushrooms with the addition of vegetables and cereals (only those that are not prohibited), potatoes, can be with meatballs. Any vegetable first courses (borscht, okroshka, cabbage soup, etc. ).
- Meat - lean, boiled (pork tenderloin, beef, veal, lamb, chicken, rabbit, turkey). In very small quantities - tongue, liver, diet varieties of sausages and sausages.
- Fish - only lean. You can canned fish, but only those that are in tomato or in their own juice.
- Milk, fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese (lightly salted, with low fat content). Sour cream - in very small quantities.
- Eggs - boiled soft-boiled, no more than 1-1. 5 pieces per day. The omelet is made from proteins alone.
- Legumes. Cereals - in the form of cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley).
- Vegetables (raw): pumpkin, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce. In small quantities: potatoes, carrots, beets, green peas.
- Any sweet and sour fruits and berries - fresh or in the form of jelly, compotes and other dishes. Sweets and biscuits are only those containing sorbitol, xylitol or saccharin instead of sugar. Honey - just a little.
- Sauces - only low-fat, cooked in weak meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable broth. Pepper, mustard, horseradish - in very small quantities.
- From fats, ghee and butter (unsalted) are allowed. Vegetable - little by little, as part of the dishes.
- From drinks - tea, coffee with the addition of milk, rosehip broth, juices (any vegetable, and fruit and berry - only those that are not very sweet).

Contraindicated foods for this type of diet are rich or puff pastries, pastries, cakes, fatty fish or meat (pork, duck, goose) or broth from them. You cannot eat smoked products (sausages or others), caviar, salty foods (fish, cheeses), curd snacks, cream. Rice and semolina are excluded (including in the form of milk soup). Pasta is fine, but in very small quantities. Do not pickles and marinades, sweet fruits and dried fruits (dates, raisins, figs, bananas, grapes). Sugary fruit juices, ice cream, candy, jams, alcohol, soda and cooking fats are banned.
How much sugar a patient can eat per day is decided by the doctor based on the prescribed dose of insulin.
Types of weight loss diets
There are different types of weight loss diets. They differ from each other in the principles of the formation of the menu for the day. Here are the most popular weight loss diets:
- The so-called fast diets.Tough enough, they can be designed for both several days and a whole month. Among them - kefir, banana, juice, for models and many others. Fast diets are used when you need to quickly lose 2-3 kg, but when it comes to a lot of excess weight, they are not suitable. Important: the fast diet menu should be composed competently and balanced. Otherwise, you will only get a malfunction in the metabolism, and the lost kilograms will very quickly return like a boomerang.
- Mono-diets (fast option).Their essence is that during the day, week or month, the entire diet consists of one single product. It can be buckwheat, rice, apples, watermelon, etc. The menu turns out to be very limited, which cannot but have a negative effect on the work of the body. The following symptoms are often observed: dizziness, lethargy, decreased attention, lethargy, very low blood pressure. Again, a very common occurrence when using this type of diet is the rapid return of lost weight. As a more or less gentle type of mono-diet, it is possible to advise holding fasting days (but not too often).
- Low calorie diets.That is, there are no restrictions on the types of products, but during the day it is allowed to consume a specific (rather small) amount of calories. Larisa Dolina lost weight according to such a diet, the Kremlin, Hollywood, Japanese, egg diets are built on the same principle. The essence of the approach is that if the body is not given enough calories, it will begin to spend stored fat in search of energy for life. When using this type of diet, the following is important: the minimum permissible calorie content of the daily diet is 500 kcal; take vitamins and minerals daily (in addition to those that come with food); so that muscle mass does not go away, exercise regularly.
The menu in low-calorie diets is quite varied, but side effects such as weakness, apathy, nervousness and anemia do occur. Sugar is completely excluded from the diet, therefore, performance can also be reduced. It is better not to sit on such diets for a long time, and yet they are ideal for those who need to lose a lot. It is best to take an individual approach when calculating the rate of calorie intake (and, of course, fat, protein and carbohydrates) per day. In addition, it is important to take into account how active a person is, how his weight changes during the diet (and accordingly adjust the calorie content of the diet), include all nutrients important for health in the menu. Be sure to do the so-called cheat meal (as athletes say), that is, days of respite from the diet.
- Low fat diets. . . This is a type of diet in which only low-fat or low-calorie foods are included in the diet. That is, only very fatty foods are banned. The effect of this kind of diet is very good and, importantly, the result lasts for a long time.
- Low carb diets. . . Here, too, everything is clear - the menu is made up of low-carbohydrate products. It is carbohydrates, according to many nutritionists, that are stored in the body in the form of excess fat if a person consumes more of them than he can use up in the process of life.
- High protein diets. . . With this type of diet, the menu for the most part includes foods rich in animal protein (meat, fish). Fruits and vegetables are also allowed to be consumed, but little by little. These diets are not suitable for those with liver or kidney problems. It turns out a fairly tough diet with a small amount of vitamins and minerals. And the weight goes away due to the fact that a monotonous menu contributes to a decrease in appetite.
- Diets based on the selection of macronutrients. . . These are perhaps the most effective diets in existence. Their essence lies in the careful selection of products permitted for consumption. Many popular protein diets, BUCH (protein-carbohydrate alternation), the systems of Pierre Ducant, Montignac and many others are built on this principle.
Here, acceptable and forbidden foods are summarized in a special table, plus recommendations for their preparation and even recipes for different dishes are added. For example, those who are losing weight according to Dukan can make up a very tasty menu for themselves, because the list of permitted products is very diverse there. This type of diet is especially good because they act very sparingly, are not dangerous with prolonged use, and the extra pounds go away gradually and are not recruited again.
As you can see, there are a lot of nutritional systems for weight loss, and any person, if he wants to lose weight, can choose the most acceptable way for himself. But remember that you should not do this without first consulting your doctor. The issue of a radical change in diet should be approached seriously and competently, taking into account the results of analyzes and the state of health in general. Only then will the diet be safe and effective.
12 great weight loss diets
The general rule for all types of diets is to consume enough water (1. 5-3 liters per day). Weight will go away faster if you combine a special diet with daily physical activity.
- Ducan's technique.One of the options for protein diets. How long you use it depends on how many pounds you need to lose. It may even be three or four months. The system consists of four sequential stages called "Attack", "Alternation", "Fixation", "Stabilization". They are all different in duration and products included in the menu. But there are uniform rules for the entire course: do exercises every day, go hiking (for half an hour, no less) and include oat bran in the menu. Ducan's technique is considered safe for health. There are no strict restrictions on the number of permitted products. Chemical additives are not included in the diet.
- Japanese weight loss system.Weight with this approach is lost very quickly, about 7-10 kilograms within two weeks. Only seafood is allowed. Salt is prohibited. As a result, the metabolism is completely rebuilt, and the dropped kilograms do not return for a long time (2 years - guaranteed). Alcohol, sugar, in general, everything baked and sweet are completely excluded from the diet. The Japanese method is of the low-calorie type. The basis of the menu here is low-carbohydrate foods. As a result, the body begins to waste its own fat to maintain its vital functions. The transition to a normal diet is easy, because the stomach becomes smaller during the diet.
- Protein-based diet.The essence of this type of diet is high protein intake. They should make up 85% of the total daily diet. The menu includes meat, fish (low-fat varieties), seafood, eggs and products based on sour milk. The result - within two weeks, it leaves from 4 to 8 kilograms. Meals - every three hours and in small portions. Allowed for use in small quantities and products with carbohydrates, however, only those with a glycemic index not higher than forty (nuts, soy, chickpea puree, cucumbers, citrus fruits). In order for the weight to go away quickly and at the same time to build up muscles, this diet should be combined with strength training.
- Weight loss on buckwheat.This is a tough mono diet. It is used in cases when you need to lose weight in a short time. The menu contains only buckwheat cooked in a special way.
The groats are by no means cooked, but filled with boiling water and left to swell. After 8 hours you can eat. Serving size - no limit. You cannot salt, pepper or season with something. The duration of this diet in its classic version is a week (it takes 4-5 kg). However, you can extend this diet up to two weeks (then you will be able to lose 4-10 kg). From drinks, you can use alkaline mineral water (1. 5 liters per day), green tea, kefir (no more than a liter, fat content - up to 1%). At the same time, be sure to monitor your well-being and, if it worsens, add fruits with a low calorie content to the menu. For example, grapefruit, oranges, apples.
- Malysheva's technique.The system was developed by Elena Malysheva, Doctor of Medical Sciences. The main emphasis here is on protein products (dairy, meat, fish, and everything is low-fat). An important rule of thumb is not to consume proteins and carbohydrates together. That is, meat and cereals are eaten separately, if desired, add vegetables and herbs. Malysheva's diet is designed for a month. And then look at the results to see if you need to renew. For the first days, the menu is based on the consumption of 1200 kilocalories per day. Then there is a gradual decrease to 1000 kcal. At the same time, the emotional component, a calm and positive mood while eating, is very important. Each meal should be treated as a holiday, a great joy for the body. Another recommendation from Malysheva is not to rush to swallow poorly chewed food. This is harmful to the digestive system, and teeth are deprived of the load necessary for their health. Make at least 18 chewing movements. The result after the Malysheva diet is minus 25 kg for two months.
- Slimming system Maggi.For a month, it allows you to lose 10–20 kg. The two most effective options for this type of diet are cottage cheese and egg. Choose for yourself what you like or is more acceptable for health reasons. At the same time, the diet is very diverse. The menu includes dishes from meat, vegetables, fruits. The essence of the system is to force the body to waste stored fat and get rid of toxins.
- Energy diet.A modern effective system that allows you to lose excess weight in a short time. It is a complex of low-calorie cocktails rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for health. The duration of this type of diet is 4 to 6 months. The result is minus 10-30 kg.
- Kremlin diet.Based on the calculation of carbohydrates consumed during the day. The norm is no more than 40 units. All sweet and starchy foods are prohibited. But a lot of protein should be included in the diet. During the first week of compliance with these rules, it takes 4-5 kg, within a month - up to 10 kg. If you stay on the Kremlin diet for two or three months, you can lose 20 kg.
- The Six Petals Principle.The methodology is based on the rule: every day - a mono-diet on one product. There are six of them: fish, vegetables, chicken, cereals, cottage cheese, fruits. What does it do? Food is constantly changing, the body does not have time to adjust to it and easily gives up extra pounds. The results of such a power supply system are impressive. It takes 0. 5-0. 8 kg per day, and in total in two weeks it can turn out to lose up to 15 kg.
- Slimming technique for lazy people.Basically, it is a high water mono diet. There is no need to buy expensive products, cook them somehow in a special way, etc. The basic rule is to drink a glass (250 ml) of clean water before a meal, even if it is a small snack. Well, and also half the usual portions. In this case, fast carbohydrates should be removed from the diet and there is as little salty, fatty, smoked and canned food as possible. All consumed foods are best cooked or baked. Using this type of diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in two weeks.
- Weight loss on kefir.A very popular way to get rid of excess weight, while the rules here are pretty strict. The kefir diet has several varieties, when, in addition to kefir, it is allowed to consume some other specific product. It can be cottage cheese, apples, cucumbers, eggs, buckwheat. There is also a striped kefir diet.
If you approach strictly, then the entire daily diet should consist of only one kefir (fat content - 1% or completely fat-free). The daily norm is 1 liter, divided into five parts. Between servings of kefir, you should drink water (only 1. 5 liters during the day). In three days with this diet, it takes up to 1. 5 kg, in a week - 3 kg, and in two weeks - even 8 kg. You should not sit on such a diet for more than two weeks, otherwise you can provoke an increased secretion of gastric juice, fraught with the development of gastritis and ulcers.
- Weight loss program according to Protasov.Its essence, again, is in calculating the calories consumed per day. The established rate is 1200-1500 kcal. At the same time, the menu includes dishes with a high protein content (lean meat, boiled eggs, dairy products). Plus vegetables, which are low in starch, and not too sweet fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruits). Protasov divides the entire course of his diet into three stages: vegetarian, meat (that is, meat is introduced into the diet), and fixing. The system is designed for five weeks and allows you to get rid of 10 extra pounds.
12 more popular diets in the world
Here is a list of twelve more popular diets around the world.
- Cabbage, in which almost all cabbage dishes are on the menu. There are a lot of vitamins in it, but, on the contrary, there are almost no fats. It takes a week in time.
- Hollywood, for two weeks. The main thing here is to eliminate fats, sugar and salt from the diet.
- Interval, in which you eat rice for three days, then potatoes for three days and vegetables for another three days. Only nine days.
- Soup diet. The menu contains only soups, which should not include potatoes and legumes. Duration - a week.
- Brazilian. This is when there are only fruits and vegetables in the diet. Soup is sometimes allowed. Duration - 7 days.
- Juice diet. The menu includes only freshly squeezed juices (orange, grapefruit and lemon). Reception schedule - three times a day for three days.
- Another well-known diet is tomato. Lasts 7 days.
- Diet of eggs and honey. Designed for three days, in each of which dishes are changed.
- Diet with seafood in the diet. Not only does it show impressive results, but it is also very useful. Seafood is rich in healthy vitamins and acidic omega fats that help break down subcutaneous fat quickly. In addition, seafood is excellent for the prevention of many dangerous (even fatal) diseases.
- A diet designed for two weeks and allowing only red and green foods to be included in the diet (it is called red-green).
- English. This is when the menu contains only dairy products and stewed vegetables. You choose the proportions yourself.
- Very effective - colored. Lasts a week. The bottom line is that only one specific color is allowed every day. The final day is transparent, that is, you can only drink water.
Summing up, we can say the following: the choice of diet in each case should be approached very individually. Everything is important here: gender, age of a person, general health, how active he is in everyday life. In addition, you should always remember about possible contraindications, for example, for pregnant women, or during lactation, or when a person is recovering from a serious and prolonged illness. When making your choice, diet duration and severity of restrictions are far from the first place. The main principle here is not to harm your own health.