Fat deposits on the stomach and sides are exactly what spoils the mood.Especially when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Moreover, if you are wearing a swimsuit. Immediately I remember that summer is coming soon. So, it's time to take up yourself and bring you back to normal. Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides are the best suited for strategic preparation for the summer.
In the article I will tell you which complex is suitable for practicing at home and gives real results. Read the article to the end and you can bring yourself back to normal in a fairly short time.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides - why excess fat does not want to go
One of the typical mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight is working out individual muscles. It is important to remember here that individually, body parts do not lose weight. Only comprehensively. Fat is broken down by increasing the body's need for energy.
Hence the conclusion: in order to really lose weight, the energy expenditure must be greater than the intake. In other words, you need to reduce the number of calories and increase energy expenditure. However, this does not mean that you need to starve and exhaust yourself in the gym.
This path will bring nothing but harm. Food should be complete and less high in calories. Read about the principles of nutrition to help get rid of the abdomen and sides, read here.
Another question: why does fat accumulate more actively in problem areas and leave very slowly? The fact is that there are fewer capillaries in such places, blood and lymph circulate less actively.
The resulting congestion contributes to the accumulation of unused fats in the cells. In turn, all this leads to the formation of cellulite and extra centimeters on the sides and waist.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides - 10 best

Proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity are the keys to success.
Consider the top ten exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides. It is advisable to do it at least 3 times a week. Just starting to train, perform 10 - 20 times in 2 sets.
Before performing the main complex, you must not forget about the warm-up. Her task is to warm up the muscles and prepare them for exercise. Bends, jumps, body turns will do. Execution time 5 - 7 minutes.
Slimming Exercises - Body Raising
A classic exercise that perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles.
- Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor, parallel;
- Hands locked behind the head;
- As you exhale, raise your upper body and stretch towards your knees;
- Slowly lower yourself to the supine position as you exhale.
Repeat 10 - 20 times.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides - bike

The muscles of the legs, abs and back are strengthened.
- Lying on a gymnastic mat, bend your knees parallel to the floor;
- Alternately bend and straighten your legs in weight, simulating cycling;
- As an addition: keeping your hands behind your head, alternately stretch your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg while moving.
Folding with legs raised and pumping the press

- From a lying position on the floor, raise straight legs up;
- Raise the upper part of the body and touch the toes with the outstretched upper arms;
- Return to starting position.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides - lateral tilts

This can be done with dumbbells or with a small bottle of water.
- Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart;
- Take a dumbbell with both hands. Raise your arms from the dumbbells up and bend first to one side, then to the other side. In this case, you need to feel how the lateral muscle is stretched.
Boat for weight loss and strengthening of the back muscles

Difficult enough to perform, while perfectly stretching the back. Strengthens the abdominal muscles well.
- Lie face down on a gymnastic mat.
- Stretch your arms forward.
- Exhaling, try to simultaneously raise the outstretched arms and legs.
- If it doesn't work, then first raise your left arm and right leg. Then vice versa.
- When doing, try to raise your arms and legs as high as possible.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides - the end of the complex

After completing the complex, you need to stretch, straighten your muscles.
The "cat" exercise is perfect for this. It is easy to do and resembles a cat's movements upon awakening.
- Get on all fours with an emphasis on outstretched arms and legs bent at the knees at a right angle.
- Bending your legs, lean back until your outstretched arms are parallel to the floor.
- Stretch your back.
The next exercise is similar to the previous one:
- The starting position is the same as in the previous one.
- Bend your back up as much as possible and freeze for a few seconds.
- Relax and accept the previous position.
Physical activity to get rid of extra pounds
Walking gives noticeable results in losing weight not only on the abdomen and sides, but on the whole body. 30 minutes a day of brisk walking can help you burn those extra calories. The undoubted benefit is also that the metabolism improves. In addition, the heart muscle is trained and strengthened.
A type of cardio workout is jogging, swimming, cycling.
Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides in combination with a balanced diet

The above exercises will help you remove excess fat in problem areas. It is important to remember that exercise must be supported by proper nutrition. If you work out, and then gorge on hamburgers with chips and drink soda, there will be no sense.
Therefore, you need to remove the "wrong" foods from the diet. You need to replace them with tasty ones that help you lose weight. Many foods help break down fats.
These are beans, apples, avocados, cucumbers, watermelon, vegetables rich in fiber. These foods help break down fats and improve digestion. They are low in calories, but they have fiber and nutrients. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger does not arise long enough.
A comprehensive approach to losing weight will quickly give visible results. A combination of exercise and proper nutrition to reduce volumes after 3 weeks.